Ramblings of a Mad man

Cos thats what this post is. I have not posted something for a while so I am just gonna be rambling on with no aim and I apologize in advance if your time is wasted by doing this. I tried to continue the religion post but I lost the draft and I cant be arsed to start again, I will come back to it and the “testimony” I promise.

Wedding prep is going on, but to be fair I have not been involved (not in the traditional sense of the man is not involved in the planning, God knows she has been trying to get me to plan with her but we are already technically married and we are now living together, the only thing I am excited about is the honeymoon). I have been inviting people casually (you are all invited LOL) and everyone keep asking me about aso ebi and I am going: 20160914_134823

Whats that? To be fair they explained why there is a need for aso ebi, nobody wants to come to the wedding looking random and out of place, which makes sense. So I thought fair enough I’d ask my wife about aso ebi. Tiwa then explained the process to me. I get a material and get people to buy it from me. Laugh with me please.

Let me get this straight, I will source a material from (I cannot even pretend to know where you get it from) and I will hold the material and tell people to buy from me? What is the other option.

You can look for a tailor and they can sow directly from him so it will be the same material at least. Hmm yeah you are getting warmer with the options..what is option 3 please

you can just get them to wear the color of the day! BINGO!!!!! What is the color of the day please.

Royal Blue :


And Coral Yellow:


There we have it. Its not long, so if you are wondering about aso ebi, Forget about option 1, that is not gonna happen in a billion years, option 2..hmmm we will see. But you cant go wrong with option three. Wear royal blue or coral yellow (what the hell is cor..hmm there is a picture of it I guess). I am having a hard time already coordinating groomsmen..I am not about to do the same for friends,hell no.

Tiwa will probably have a go at me about this next one. Presents. You see, I like travelling light. People know this about me whenever I am coming down to lagos: Ope help me brin…Hol up, ask yourself the magic question, will it fit into my carry on luggage? Cos I dont check bags in. The last person that made me check a bag in was my mum, after she reminded me she carried me in her womb for nine months with fibroid and the least I could do was drop a bag on a belt and pick it up on the other side. I couldnt argue with fibroid so I had to help her take her bag to Nigeria. But I digress. Basically if you are getting us a present just ask yourself, what travels light? What can I get #Tipe 2016 ( Lol thats the hastag apparently..”Tipe” God! no wonder I am not excited) that will help them travel light, and wont gather dust and clog up their apartment….hmmmmm I wonder what that is. Its not Naira cos Naira is useless at the moment (LOL I am sorry I had to). It starts with a p and it has more value than Naira.

What else..oh yeah Tiwa moved in finally. Thats been alright actually, my place feels homely ,although a bit clustered cos a charity that we decided to donate furniture to for free rejected our donation cos it was scratched. Erm we are giving it away..for free…and you are saying you don’t want cos it has a scratch. Pls is that not a bastard charity?. (More reason why I need a light travelling wedding present)

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